Tuesday 28 May 2013

Don't focus on how far you have to go, focus on how far you've come!

Hey guys and dolls,

Hope you're all well and you're having a fantastic week.  I was away last weekend in Mullingar at the Irish Veterinary Nursing Association annual congress and had a great time.  I didn't get to plan my meals at all like I would at home and got very little exercise so I was so sure I'd have a gain this week.  I was 0.5lb down, I could not believe it!

Instead of being happy though I started to think negatively and of how far I still have to go.  Despite being down that half pound I had a bit of an odd week.  I ate at odd times, I was out Saturday night and I got no exercise for about 4 days, I went over my points when I got home Sunday and did the same yesterday.

I went though the "OMG I still have to lose 28lbs more..." and started to feel low.  Until a friend of mine told me to look at how far I've come.  I have to admit she's right.  I'm not one for blowing my own trumpet so to speak but I have come so far since I began back in January. I really didn't think I had the strength or the willpower.  Today I was talking about how much I used to hate shopping and now I can go into Penney's, pick up a size 14 top/jeans and know that it's more than likely going to fit me.  I don't cry in changing rooms anymore.

I think it's important to remember that if you have a bad week. Think about what you would do differently, draw a line under the week and start afresh.  Don't dwell on it.  This week I'm intending to lose 1lb. I'm going to track religiously and do a little bit more exercise than I would normally, even if it's just adding 5 minutes to my daily walk.

Well anyway, that's this week's entry.  Yes I am boring, I know.  I'm hoping to do a slightly more exciting entry at some point this week.  Best of luck to anyone still to weigh in!  Have a fab week everyone!

J xx

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