Sunday 5 May 2013

The story so far..

Right so, a little bit about myself.  My name is Jane.  I'm 24 and in live in Laois.  I'm a veterinary nurse but I'm unfortunately unemployed at the moment.  I'm doing a healthcare course and I'm trying to think of a way of possibly combining the veterinary nursing with the healthcare.  They couldn't be more different but hey, I'll give it a go if it's possible.

So I've been threatening to start this blog for a few weeks now and with it being a Sunday I don't have much to do so here we are.  First of all, I should mention that this is the third time that I've done Weight Watchers and gone to classes.  I've started the program myself countless other times and given up after a couple of weeks because I just wasn't in the right frame of mind.  For some reason this time it feels different.  I'm more determined and focused   Don't get me wrong, it's been hard and I've had rough days but this time I'm finding that things are going an awful lot smoother than I thought they would.

Secondly, I feel I should say that I'm not on a diet.  I don't consider Weight Watchers to be a diet, for me it's a complete positive lifestyle change.  A diet to me means restricting yourself and depriving yourself of food that you enjoy to lose weight and I don't think that's healthy.  I don't deprive myself, I have my treat after Weigh In.  It seems to be working for me so far so I'll stick with it.

Why did I start Weight Watchers?  I'll be blunt.  I started Weight Watchers because I was tired of feeling ugly and unattractive and feeling sad when I looked in the mirror.  I was sick of trying on clothes in changing rooms and going home in tears because nothing would fit.  When I started back in January I was 13 stone.  That may not seem like a lot but I'm under 5ft, I couldn't carry that weight any more, both physically and emotionally.

I was with someone when I started WW this time but things happen and things change and a couple of weeks later we broke up.  At the time I was heartbroken of course but I now realise we weren't right for each other and I decided to concentrate on myself for a change.  I always thought if the relationship ended that I would break.  But I didn't, I got stronger.  Things like this happen in life and it's dealing with them that makes you who you are.

So here's my journey so far:
08 January:  My first weigh in - 13 stone
15 January:  -2lbs
22 January: -7lbs (The week of my break up - I was so upset I barely ate) - reached 5% goal and got my first silver 7
29 January:  STS
05 February:  -1.5lbs
12 February:  -2.5lbs
19 February:  -0.5lb
26 February:  -0.5lb - My first stone!!!
05 March:  -2lbs
12 March:  -2.5lbs - reached my 10% goal
19 March:  -0.5lb
26 March:  -1.5lbs
02 April:  -3lbs - My third silver 7!
09 April:  -0.5lb
16 April:  STS
23 April:  -2lbs
30 April: -1lb

So that's a total of 27lbs since 8th January, I'm so close to my second stone!  Generally I would be quite modest but I am feeling quite proud of myself.  I didn't think I was so determined or focused.  I'm proof that you definitely have to be in the correct frame of mind to lose your weight and you have to do it for yourself.  My next target is to lose 4lbs in 4 weeks.  I think it's doable but I have a weekend away planned the last weekend in May.  I'll just have to be careful and track everything and get as much exercise as possible and the most important thing:  Go to my meeting the week after!

My aim with this blog is to track my journey so that maybe someone can be inspired.  If I can help even one person then I'll be happy with that.  If I find recipes I'll post them here along with any other tips.  Just FYI though, I may post some random thoughts that have nothing to do with weight loss!  Don't say I didn't warn you!

Thanks for reading!

- Jane xx


  1. Well done, it's doable and you can definitely do it

  2. Fingers crossed! Thanks so much for the comments :)

  3. Well done on losing 27lbs that's amazing!! :D
